I am actually well aware of Rep. Foster's voting record on Cap and Trade, the budget and the stimulus packages, but thank you for reiterating that information. Your office is clearly very proud of the Congressman's independent thinking. Such a brave stand for freedom, and now my children won't have to live with the results of nonsensical legislation...oh, that's right. They all passed WITH OR WITHOUT Rep. Foster's vote. Ironically, I'm also familiar with the Round Robin game that the Democrats are playing. Your cynicism is sublime and duly noted.
I believe that the SPECIFIC question that you chose to leave on the table was whether Rep. Foster will waive his right to the Congressional healthcare plan. Will he place himself and his family on the same plan he and the Democrats seek to force upon my family. And again, I would hope that I can get that SPECIFIC answer in writing.
Let's be clear. I don't give a flying fig how "the song goes." The bill is very much on it's way to becoming law, and we have Rep. Foster, Speaker Pelosi, and the Democrats to thank for that. I do not find your subterfuge amusing. I take VERY seriously Rep. Foster's lust for power at the expense of my children and my personal freedoms. My patience for his superiority grows thin, and my indignation for your derision grows exponentially.
Again, I look forward to hearing from you on this SPECIFIC subject.
Turn off that TV
5 weeks ago
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