This is the body of a letter that I am sending to Rep. Foster's Communications Director. I encourage everyone to contact her and ask the same question. The number is ph: 202-225-2976 fax: 202-225-0697:
Thank you for the information. The blog has been corrected. Please forgive the error. I guess that's what happens when we don't read before we act.
I've now checked Rep. Foster's website, but I see nothing about Townhall style meetings. The Congress has been very active in this last session. I am certain that the citizens of this district would like a public airing of these recent events. In addition, we would like to know if Rep. Foster plans to waive his healthcare option and live with the same healthcare plan that Democratic Congress has just sentenced my family to. I am requesting a written response to this matter... not a debate on the merits of Socialism, not an outline of how much money will be saved, how the rich need to be punished, or how much smarter Rep. Foster is than I am. I want a specific answer to a specific question.
Thank you very much for you assistance in this matter, I look forward to hearing from your office.
Turn off that TV
5 weeks ago
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