*Let’s Stop the Insanity*
Imagine the citizens of this country rising up and taking back America from the tax cheats, lobbyists, and leftist radicals who are running the country into the ground. Now imagine regular people like you and I uniting in defense of our Constitution and renewing our proud All-American culture of independence, liberty, and personal responsibility. Let’s step-up to defy the spirit-crushing, innovation-killing socialist tyranny that is attempting to tear down our free markets, civil liberties, religious freedom and increase taxes in our country.
Most Americans like you and I, reject what this unaccountable handful of Washington Political extremists are doing to our country. We need to stand up by opposing the tripling the national debt. In three short months we have seen the national debt increase trillions of dollars in order to reward failure and punish the successful.
We want financial security. We want government to, like we do, live within its means. We want less government and lower taxes. We expect the bankrupting of future generations to end. Propping up dying companies, pay off political allies and making people less independent has to stop. It’s un-American and unacceptable.
We've seen how inept government is at "fixing" problems. We want free market solutions that produce real results in an efficient manner. We want patient-centered health care and the right to make our own lifestyle choices.
There is still time to save this country by making your voice heard. Why not participate in a good old-fashioned style 4th of July Celebration?
Join in with others at the Carpentersville 4th of July Tailgate Tea Party
Located by the Water Tower on Rt. 25 in Carpentersville
11 AM to 5 PM For those who would like to participate there will be a benediction for this function at about 11:30A.M. to kick the T.E.A. Party off…
Bring a sign
Bring a dish to pass and
Share in some good old fashioned patriotism at this family oriented event
No Alcohol or drug
“A people who are afraid of their government there is tyranny”.
“A government who is afraid of their people there is Freedom”.
Thomas Jefferson
Turn off that TV
5 weeks ago
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