April 30, 2009
FYI - NARAL Event in Chicago
EVENT: Protest NARAL "Power of Choice" Fundraiser
WHEN: Thursday, May 7, 10:30 to Noon
WHERE: SE Corner of Columbus Drive and Wacker Drive, Chicago
MAP: http://tinyurl.com/swissotel
April 29, 2009
May 15th Rally
April 27, 2009
More Tea Party Photos
(Thanks, Debbie!)
Find more photos like this on Smart Girl Politics
April 24, 2009
Illinois HB 2234
Here is the link to HB 2234:
ALSO, at the national level, please contact your US senators to ask them to vote NO on the Sebelius nomination. It is expected to be up for vote next week. Here are two articles that highlight why we do not want the nomination confirmed.
1). http://www.jillstanek.com/archives/2009/04/both_sides_ramp.html
2). http://news.yahoo.com/s/cq/20090421/pl_cq_politics/politics3099159_2
This site allows you to email your senators. Click on "Ask you senators to Vote against Sebelius..."
April 20, 2009
April 17, 2009
Adam Andrzejewski at Geneva Tea Party
To see the video, click here:
April 16, 2009
Mill Creek Times photos, comments on Tea Party
There have been differing accounts of how many people attended the Geneva Rally on April 15th. For the record, we have just shy of 250 signatures on our petitions. Since we know that we didn't get every one's signature, we can safely estimate that there were between 275 and 300 people at the rally...a solid three hundred when you include children in that count.
Thank you for every one's support in making this event a success. It has been a wonderful experience. I can't wait to get started on our May 15th Tea Party in Batavia.
On a completely different note, you may have been asked how a Catholic organization can reconcile itself to Conservatism...strange question in my opinion. Let me leave you with this thought:
Barack Obama recently visited Georgetown University. The place where he wished to speak contained a gold "IHS" monogram, which symbolizes Jesus' name. The White House asked to have the symbol covered during President Obama's speech. The one thing that I know for near certainty is that a conservative administration would NEVER have made that request. The only thing that I would add is that perhaps we should pray for Georgetown University as they actually complied.
Check out the story for yourself:
Geneva Republican Tea Party Article
‘Tea Party’ draws large crowd in Kane County
An angry crowd — including one man wielding an actual pitchfork — gathered outside the Kane County Government Center in Geneva on Tax Day to protest what those assembled see as runaway government spending.
The “Taxpayer Tea Party,” which drew about 200 people, was hosted by the Conservative Catholic Women’s League of Kane County. It was held in conjunction the events across the country that were designed to “stand up against bailouts, wasteful spending, increased taxes and giveaways that reward bad behavior,” organizers said.
Daily Herald Tea Party Pictures

Daily Herald Tea Party Article
say 'No' to taxes
At the start of his populist, political career, Pat Quinn motivated angry taxpayers in 1978 to send tea bags to lawmakers and the governor to protest government pay hikes.
On Wednesday, the Democratic governor faced the wrath of the tea bag protest himself as hundreds turned out across the state in connection with a nationwide rally largely focused against President Barack Obama, but that also took aim at Quinn's proposed income tax hike.
Some gatherings in the nationwide tea-party protests were small, such as one in Elk Grove Village that attracted about a dozen, while others drew considerably larger crowds, such as in Naperville where more than 100 people rallied.
The protests were scattered across the suburbs, including Batavia and Algonquin, as well as downtown Chicago, where several hundred people rallied, and Springfield, where more than 400 attended.
Beacon News Tea Party Article
April 16, 2009
For hundreds of people in the Fox Valley, the income tax filing season could not have ended more appropriately.
Many filed their 2008 taxes by the Wednesday deadline, and then hit the streets of Oswego and Geneva to voice their disgust in government at all levels.
Read more:
April 15, 2009
Kane Co Chronicle Tea Party Article
'Tea party' displays objections to gov't spending
By KATE THAYER - kthayer@kcchronicle.comGENEVA – Lois and Tony Sell of St. Charles are cutting back on spending at home, but wonder why the government doesn't seem to be doing the same.
Their concerns were shared by others who attended the "Kane County Taxpayer Tea Party," on Wednesday in front of the Government Center in Geneva. The rally – one of many events planned by Republican groups across the nation – drew about 100 people.
April 11, 2009
Kane County Taxpayer Tea Party

Kane County Taxpayer
Tea Party
April 15, 2009
4 to 6 p.m.
Kane County Government Plaza, 719 S. Batavia Avenue, Geneva, Illinois. (Intersection of Route 31 and Third Street, near the Metra station in Geneva)
Stand up against bailouts, wasteful spending, increased taxes, and giveaways that reward bad behavior! Urge your representatives to promote legislation that encourages economic responsibility at the personal, local, state and federal levels.
Special Guests: State Senator Chris Lauzen (in the 4 o'clock hour) and State Representative Tim Schmitz (in the 5 o'clock hour)
April 2, 2009
Update on Speakers
Our second hour will feature Rep. Tim Schmitz. We will post additional speakers as they are confirmed.